Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Random Tuesday Thoughts...

Oh yes, it is Tuesday again. Woo-hoo! Time for Random Tuesday Thoughts!  If you want to get down with your randomness head over the Keely.

Is it really almost Thanksgiving???  Where did the year go?  I am usually on top of the whole shopping thing by now but I guess moving 2 times in the last 3 months throws a curve ball in life, yo!


Google 411...I just love it.  If you're not "down with it" you have to add the number 46645 to your cell phone and then make the name "Google 411" or whatever you want...that's just what I made mine.  Then when you text Google 411 the name of a business followed by a comma, the city and a comma and the state abbreviation...wait about 10 seconds and you will have a text on your phone with the name, phone number address, etc.  I friggin love it!  If you don't have it...come on...get jiggy wit it...it's 2010!


O.K...so I started the whole NO CARB thing again this morning.  We'll see how it goes, what you can imagine, you can achieve and I can imagine myself the next Victoria Secret model, watch out world.


So my friend that is showing signs of skitzophrenia, it's getting bad.  But let me tell you how "the system" works...her kids are actually being harmed mentally.  Obviously, when your mom thinks there are 3 of herself, its starting to get bad.  Apparently the family is afraid for their own well being that NO ONE...and I repeat NO ONE in the family is stepping in to help out with those kids.  So I had to do the unthinkable and call waste my time our CPS...Child Protective Services.  I have NEVER called anything like that in my life, it was hard to muster the courage, I did it  and was talking for about a minute and a half and the woman said, I have to go to the bathroom, can I call you back?  HUH?  I am telling you about children that are in serious harms way and you are going to the bathroom...whats worse, she didn't call me back for 2 and 1/2 days!!  I would have been more OK with her saying I have to use the bathroom, can you hold on for just a second...or even taking the phone with her vs. hanging up and not calling back for over 2 days.  What is wrong with our system?  If there is any suggestions on what to do here...I am all for them.


My long time friend Amanda over at Garibay Soup is coming down from Oregon today for a couple of days!!!  Yay!  What's even better is that we both have a video phone and I get to see her and her precious children all the time so they won't be have to have the "warm up" time, they will run to me! 
I love that!


I love fact that I work from home and really appreciate it during the holidays!  I love being able to make my own schedule and hang out with my girls while they are out of school.  Thank you God for the path that you have me on!


The news...I just don't ever get a chance to watch any TV including the news.  I know that I should be up on the "current events" but when you have to muttle through so much misery and sorrow along with rapes, killings and molestations...I'd rather spend my time in a good book.


Speaking of good book and you all have to get it and read it before the end of the year...it will change your 2010, I promise.  It's called...The 5 Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle" by Jim Rohn
It is seriously changing my life and will change yours too if you choose.


Decorations...time to get them out...we decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving!  And I hit a HUGE after Christmas sale last year and have so many BRAND new decorations...I can't wait!


Happy Thanksgiving bloggers...the next time I am on here I believe I will try the Nog Blog like the
Un Mom suggests.

Peace Out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm soooooo 2001, not 2010 - I don't text, but I do love Mr. Google for his endless wealth of knowledge.

    Best of luck getting your Christmas decorations up this weekend. A little nog will make it go much faster although you may not get the results you expected. But you won't know that until the next day when the nog fog wears off :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!
