Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Thursday

Gobble Gobble!!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! It's time for Thanksgiving Thursday,
the Turkey Day edition! I am thankful for:

*God being first and foremost in my life!

*My wonderful husband who shocks me every single day to still be putting up with me. :)

*My precious 6 yr. old identical twins.  I am so proud of them and all that they bring to the family through their smiles and sense of humor.

*My whole family...we have a big family and we are all very close and I thank God for that.

*My mom and the encouragement and support she offers me every single day, without fail.

*I am thankful for a woman who was like an angle in our lives and brought us this beautiful house.

*My health as well as my families health.

*My wonderful blessing of a business that has allowed me to be a stay-at-home mom for the last year and a half.  I thank God for this business every day.

*I am thankful for starting a blog, this provides daily therapy for me.

Happy Thanksgiving all!  Have a great one!


  1. What a great list! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  2. LOVE the list!

    Kandi, I absolutely enjoyed my stay with you. I just love you and your family to death!!

    I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving today :)

  3. Thanks for visiting Motbits! Have you tried your Holiday Sandwiches yet? :)
    I've had 2 already!!
