Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanking God...

Every single day when I am dropping my kids off at school, I thank God.  I thank God for my wonderful, beautiful, heathly precious girls.  And I also thank God that I have such a wonderful stay at home job that I don't have to fight the long car line of moms and dads waiting to get close enough to the school to kick their kids out as close to the curb as they can so they can make it to work on time.  Everyone is always running late and in such a hurry and a rush.
Let me share with you how my morning goes...I set my alarm in the morning to wake my girls up.  I get them up and we have a very relaxed and calm morning going through the morning routine.  Now not always is it relaxing and wonderful and I can't wait to write about those days as they come...but for this morning, very relaxed. 
I take them to school and instead of fighting that long line of cars that are killing each other to be first in line...we park a small distance away from the school and walk up.  I am blessed to walk both of my girls to class, talk to the teachers and see how they are, go to the office and see how the principal and the office staff's morning is going and then go back to my car after all is settled in their classes and ready for the day.
It's at the moments when I am walking back through the halls on my way to my car that I thank God for this wonderful business that I am so blessed to be a part of that has given this freedom with my family. 
I volunteer in their classes once a week, have never missed a fieldtrip, drop them off, pick them up and get to know all of their friends and their friends' parents.  There is no amount of money that could pay for what I get every single day with my sweet little twin blessings from God.   To find out more about what I do to work from home with my precisou girls...please go here.
Have a blessed day!

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